Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Spring is Garden Time

Well.... Last year I decided to do my own garden.... had a man come out and plow up the dirt and then rented a tiller and tried to till the garden myself. The NC red clay was impossible but even with the difficulty, we had several good meals of salad, squash, zuchinni, and other garden spot offerings.

This year, my sister-in-laws' dad came out and tilled the garden for me. I then spent the afternoon hoeing, getting out more rocks, and making hills and rows where plants would go. We have a wonderful farm service store here in town and a trip there yielded all of the plants I would need. The kids and I planted and planted and planted some more and here is what we ended up with....

8 Thornless Blackberry Bushes which I will trellis as they get bigger (given to me by SIL's dad)

Two blueberry bushes (also courtesy of SIL's dad)

The garden spot ready for planting. Since this pic, it now has 21 tomato plants, 12 pickling cukes, 4 eggplant, 4 eating cukes, 4 squash, 4 zuchinni, 6 okra, 6 bell pepper, 3 sweet banana pepper and 3 jalepeno

And one last picture.... my pear tree has a good offering of pears this year... not bad for it's 2nd Spring in the ground!